0126 Obama Liquidates Himself

January 26, 2010, 9:01 am

Obama Liquidates Himself

A spending freeze? That’s the brilliant response of the Obama team to their first serious political setback?
嫌消費? それが、深刻な政治的挫折に対する、オバマチームの鮮やかな対応なのか?

It’s appalling on every level.

It’s bad economics, depressing demand when the economy is still suffering from mass unemployment. Jonathan Zasloff writes that Obama seems to have decided to fire Tim Geithner and replace him with “the rotting corpse of Andrew Mellon” (Mellon was Herbert Hoover’s Treasury Secretary, who according to Hoover told him to “liquidate the workers, liquidate the farmers, purge the rottenness”.)

It’s bad long-run fiscal policy, shifting attention away from the essential need to reform health care and focusing on small change instead.
And it’s a betrayal of everything Obama’s supporters thought they were working for. Just like that, Obama has embraced and validated the Republican world-view — and more specifically, he has embraced the policy ideas of the man he defeated in 2008. A correspondent writes, “I feel like an idiot for supporting this guy.”

Now, I still cling to a fantasy: maybe, just possibly, Obama is going to tie his spending freeze to something that would actually help the economy, like an employment tax credit. (No, trivial tax breaks don’t count). There has, however, been no hint of anything like that in the reports so far. Right now, this looks like pure disaster.
それは違う。 私は、まだ幻想に囚われている。つまり、オバマ大統領なら、必ず嫌消費を労働者税額控除のような経済に有効なものに変えてくれると。(ささいな減税では有効ではない)

0125 The Tyranny Of Markets

January 25, 2010, 4:27 pm

The Tyranny Of Markets
Gah. I hate, hate, hate it when people say that we have to do something, not on its merits, but because otherwise we would damage market confidence. Nobody really knows how the markets will react; the right thing, always, is to pursue policies that look right on the substance.
人々がそのメリットのためというよりは、むしろ市場の信頼を取り戻すために何かしなければいけないと言うのを聞くと、ウンザリする。 マーケットがどう反応するかなんて、本当は誰も分かっていない。いつの時代でも、その中身が正しいと思われる政策を追求することが最善の方法だ。

So sure enough, we have Tim Geithner arguing that Ben Bernanke needs to be confirmed because otherwise the markets will be troubled. To be fair, he seems to be reacting to a leading question. But it’s still a bad sign.

0125 Issues Versus People

January 25, 2010, 8:23 am

Issues Versus People
課題 VS 国民
Scott Sumner argues that we should be debating the substance of monetary policy, rather than whether Ben Bernanke should be reappointed. I wish it were that simple.

Of course the underlying issues involve monetary policy. But the Senate doesn’t get a direct vote on that; the only vote it gets is on whether to approve a Fed nominee. And Senators are looking to economic analysts for guidance on that actual vote.
Nor is it necessarily the case, as Sumner suggests, that the Obama administration chose Bernanke because it favors the policies it believes he will follow. Again, it’s not that simple: administration’s choose Fed chairs to appease markets, or to avoid a fight with the other party, or because they think it will look good on TV.
サマーが指摘するように、必ずしもそうとは限らないが、オバマ大統領は彼なら自分の政策に賛同してくれるだろうと思い、バーナンキを選んだ。 これは、明快じゃない。大統領は、マーケットに譲歩するためや、共和党との争いを避けるためや、TV的に見映えが良いだろうという意図で、Fed議長の選択をしている。

So yes, economists should be devoting most of their energy to economic substance. But politics — and the question of which individual to support — won’t go away.

0125 No Ford in Our Future

January 25, 2010, 8:13 am

No Ford in Our Future

Wow. Harold Ford’s op-ed in today’s Times has to set some kind of new standard for cluelessness.

Mark Thoma says what needs to be said about the economics. What he says about health care shows that he hasn’t paid any attention to the substance of that discussion, either: he wants us to build a one-legged stool. But what really struck me was the spirit of the enterprise.

Back in the 1980s — I suspect it was in Mark Alan Stamaty’s Washingtoon, but can’t be sure — there was a joke about Democrats laying out their new platform. The principles of the platform were tax cuts for the rich, big spending on the military, and cuts in programs that help the poor and workers. One Democrat asked, “How does this make us different from the Republicans.” The answer was, “Compassion: we care about the victims of our policies.”
1980年代を振り返ると。マークアレンスタマティーのWashingtoon(TVアニメ)だったかな・・、確かじゃないけど。民主党が新しいマニフェストを並べていることに対する冗談を放送していた。そのマニフェストの原則は、富裕層への節税、軍費への巨額出費、弱者や貧困層を救うプログラムのカットである。ある民主党員は、これら政策の共和党員との違いは何なのだろうか?と尋ねた。 その答えは、同情であった。民主党は、政策の犠牲者を心配しているということだ。

0122 What did Geithner say?

January 22, 2010, 10:18 am

What did Geithner say?
Various news reports that Tim Geithner is privately opposed to the new Obama bank plan — which isn’t that much of a surprise, but he should not be talking about it (if he is). What we do have is this PBS interview, in which he certainly isn’t doing much to back the concept. The correct answer to “In essence are you saying that big banks need to be broken up” is “Yes”; add some qualifiers if necessary — “we’re not talking about a sudden disruption, but about new rules of the game, but the eventual goal is smaller banks that aren’t engaged in inappropriate activities” or something like that.
そのインタビューの中で、彼は確かにそのコンセプトを支持するようなことを多くは語っていない。大きな銀行は破壊する必要があるとの意見は、本当のところどうなんですかという質問に対する正しい答えは、”Yes”である。必要であるならいくつか修飾語を付け加えたほうがいい。 我々は突然の混乱についてではなく、ゲームの新しいルールについて議論している。ただし、最終的な目標は
不適切な活動に専念している小さな銀行に対してである。 こんな感じで答えるのが良い。

As it was, Geithner might as well have had a chyron underneath as he spoke, with the words DON’T WORRY, WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE ANY REAL ACTION.

I don’t know what’s really going on here, but Obama needs to find some officials who can talk about taking on Wall Street as if they mean it.

0121 A Note on the Economy

January 21, 2010, 5:31 pm

A Note on the Economy

Quite aside from everything else going on, the economic recovery isn’t looking very good. Unemployment claims are stalled at a level that bodes ill for the overall employment picture (don’t count on falling unemployment until that number falls well below 400,000). And the 10-year bond rate, which is my personal index of the market’s expectations about recovery, has been falling off again after rising for several weeks.
No reason to panic — but it does look as if this recovery is going to be jobless for quite a while.

0121 Glass-Steagal, Part Deux

January 21, 2010, 5:00 pm

Glass-Steagal, Part Deux
グラススティーガル法 パート2(パート1は、クリントン政権時代)
So what do I think about the new White House initiative on limiting bank size and restricting the activities of depository institutions?

1. It’s OK as part of a broader financial reform, and is a good sign that the WH is getting ready to rumble with the banks.


2. I’m from Missouri — show me. Actually, that’s a lie: I’m from New Jersey by way of New York, but whatever. I liked the Treasury reform plan from last spring, too. What remains to be seen is how much fight there is behind it.
私は、ミズーリ州の出身だ。show me(米国ミズーリ州の俗称:疑い深い人の州)。本当は、嘘で・・・、ニュージャーシ州の出身であり、ニューヨーク経由で来た。昨春からの財政改革案に好感を持っていた。今後の課題は、その裏でどれほどの鬩ぎ合いがあるかである。

As I’ve written repeatedly, I don’t think that too-big-to-fail is at the heart of our financial problems. Nor do I think a sharp separation between narrow banking depository institutions and other financial players is a silver bullet: unless the shadow banking system is really reined in, financial institutions will create things that look like deposits, act like deposits, but don’t have an FDIC guarantee; yet in crisis, there will be strong incentives to bail them out anyway.

Still, you have to admit that the growth of the shadow system was fueled, in part, by FDIC-backed players providing credit lines and so on to their shadow-banking arms, and that the sheer size of some players has posed real difficulties for resolving crisis. So in the context of a broader financial reform, this stuff could help.
Whatever. I’m still reeling from the collapse on health care.

0121 The Underpants Gnomes Theory of Reform

January 21, 2010, 8:55 am

The Underpants Gnomes Theory of Reform

Watching some liberal members of the House explain why they won’t do what’s necessary, and pass the Senate bill, I was wondering what they imagine will happen. Then the answer came to me: it’s the Underpants Gnomes business plan. In its original form this was:
下院のリベラルなメンバが、なぜ必要なことを実行しようとせずに、上院法案を通すのか説明しているのを見ると、彼らの想像とおりに事が運ぶのか疑問に思っていた。私には答えが閃かない。おとぎ話なビジネス計画である。 もともとは、以下のとおりだった。

1. Collect underpants.
2. ?????
3. Profit!

The current version is:
1. Reject the only bill that can be enacted any time soon.
2. ?????
3. Universal coverage!


Update: Some people have pointed out that Matt Yglesias used the gnomes in a recent post. I didn’t see that; I was stealing from Brad DeLong, who has been using the analogy for years.