1210 Wages and recovery

December 9, 2009, 8:44 am

Wages and recovery
Via Mark Thoma, Rajiv Sethi argues that wage flexibility wouldn’t be much help in fighting unemployment.
Indeed — but it’s simpler than he suggests. There was a fairly extensive discussion of this issue in the econoblogosphere a year ago; here’s my quick exposition and a brief wonkish set of notes. Quoting myself:

Under depression-type conditions, with short-term interest rates near zero, there’s no reason to think that lower wages for all workers — as opposed to lower wages for a particular group of workers — would lead to higher employment.
Chalk this up as another case of Dark Age macroeconomics: Keynes explained all of this 73 years ago, but the freshwater guys are reinventing old errors, completely unaware that someone has been over this ground.
この事を別のマクロ経済学の例を使って取り上げてみる。 キーエンス氏は、73年前にこの全容を解説していたが、若造達が昔の誤りに気づかずに同じ轍を踏んでいる。座礁していることすら全く気づいていない人もいる。

Update: I should also mention that you don’t need to go back to Tobin 1975 to see serious academic analysis of the issue. Gautti Eggertson at the NY Fed has been doing yeoman work on all of this, for example here.


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