1219 Why economics is the way it is

December 18, 2009, 1:10 pm

Why economics is the way it is
A number of people are linking to this reprinted critique of the work of the late Paul Samuelson. I could point out that the critique thoroughly misunderstands what Samuelson was saying about international trade, factor prices, and all that. But there is, I think, an interesting point to be made if we start from this complaint:


Can it be “scientific” to promulgate theories that do not describe economic reality as it unfolds in its historical context, and which lead to economic imbalance when applied?

Actually, there was a time when many people thought that institutional economics, which was very much focused on historical context, the complexity of human behavior, and all that, would be the wave of the future. So why didn’t that happen? Why did the model-builders, led by Samuelson, take over instead?
実際、多くの人が歴史的背景や行動真理などに焦点を当てる制度経済学が今後の動向である考えた時期もあった。 なぜ、そうならなかったか?  なぜ、サムエルソンによって確立されて、誰かが継承しなかったか?

The answer, in a word, was the Great Depression.

Faced with the Depression, institutional economics turned out to have very little to offer, except to say that it was a complex phenomenon with deep historical roots, and surely there was no easy answer. Meanwhile, model-oriented economists turned quickly to Keynes — who was very much a builder of little models. And what they said was, “This is a failure of effective demand. You can cure it by pushing this button.” The fiscal expansion of World War II, although not intended as a Keynesian policy, fiscal expansion  them right.

しばらくして、制度経済学は、すぐにケインズ学になった。 ケインズ学派が言ったことは、この不況は有効需要の失策であり、このボタンを押すことで治ると言うものだった。第二次世界大戦での財政拡大は、これらが正しいことを証明した。ケインズ主義政策は、そんな主張はしてなかったのだが・・

So Samuelson-type economics didn’t win because of its power to cloud men’s minds. It won because in the greatest economic crisis in history, it had something useful to say.

In the decades that followed, economists themselves forgot this history; today’s equation-mongers, for the most part, have no idea how much they owe to the Keynesian revolution. But in terms of shaping economics, it was the Depression that did it.
数10年が経過して、経済学者たちはこの歴史を忘れた。今日の資本経済は、どれほどケインズ学派の変革によるものだったかは知る由もない。 しかし、経済学の再建に関しては、大不況が作り出したものだった。


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