0115 Talk Is Cheap — And Irrelevant

January 15, 2010, 2:24 pm

Talk Is Cheap — And Irrelevant
言うは易し -しかも、見当違い
So there appears to be a spreading piece of conventional wisdom saying that instead of trying to pass health care reform, Obama should have “focused on the economy”. I’m with Kevin Drum: I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

It would be one thing if pundits were saying that Obama should have passed a bigger stimulus plan and nationalized some banks. But if that’s what they mean, they should be saying that. And that then raises two questions: could the stimulus have been made larger, politically? (I say yes, but many disagree). And if so, why would that have conflicted with health reform later in the year?
評論家がより大きな経済刺激策を拡大し、銀行の幾つかは民営化すべきだったと主張するなら、それも1つの方法だろう。 そうであるなら、評論家達は、そう主張し続けるべきだ。ただ、この案には、2つの疑問がある。政治的に、経済刺激策を拡大できただろうか?(私はできたと思うけど、無理だったと言うのが多数だね)。それなら、なぜ年の瀬に経済刺激策と医療改革が衝突していたのは、なぜだろうか?

Anyway, I’m quite sure that Charlie Cook and the like aren’t actually quarreling about macroeconomic policy. What they mean by “focusing on the economy” is, almost surely, talking about it — you know, just like the way to fight terrorism is to talk a lot about terrorism.

And why on earth does anyone think this would have helped? I guarantee you, more speeches on the economy would not have produced more job growth. Would they have made the public feel better about 10 percent unemployment? (Hey, Obama’s plan may not be working, but he sure sounds like he’s trying!)

Obama’s problem isn’t that he tried to do too many things; it’s certainly not a lack of focus. You can argue — I do argue, and did at the time — that he settled for too weak an economic plan in the first few weeks of his administration. But did any of the pundits now criticizing his lack of focus on the economy ever say anything like that? No.
オバマ大統領の問題点は、多くのことに手を出しすぎたことではない。集中力の欠如なんかではない。任期の最初の2,3週間のうちにあまりに弱体した経済計画に結果としてなってしまったと言うことができる。しかし、評論家の多くは、今になって大統領の経済に関する集中力の欠如を批判しているが、以前にも言っていたか?。 今頃になって言い出して。 

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