1120 Interest rates: the phantom menace

November 20, 2009, 11:44 am

Interest rates: the phantom menace
金利:エピソード1/ファントム・メナス (クルーグマンSF好きだから。) 

From various bat squeaks I’ve put together a view of what I think lies behind the surprising — and damaging — deficit squeamishness of the Obama administration. So here’s what I think they’re thinking — and why it’s wrong-headed. (Fairly wonkish stuff after the jump).

On the face of it, there’s no reason to be worried about interest rates on US debt. Despite large deficits, the Federal government is able to borrow cheaply, at rates that are up from the early post-Lehman period, when market were pricing in a substantial probability of a second Great Depression, but well below the pre-crisis levels:

Underlying these low rates is, in turn, the fact that overall borrowing by the nonfinancial sector hasn’t risen: the surge in government borrowing has in fact, less than offset a plunge in private borrowing.

So what’s the problem?

Well, what I hear is that officials don’t trust the demand for long-term government debt, because they see it as driven by a “carry trade”: financial players borrowing cheap money short-term, and using it to buy long-term bonds. They fear that the whole thing could evaporate if long-term rates start to rise, imposing capital losses on the people doing the carry trade; this could, they believe, drive rates way up, even though this possibility doesn’t seem to be priced in by the market.

What’s wrong with this picture?

First of all, what would things look like if the debt situation were perfectly OK? The answer, it seems to me, is that it would look just like what we’re seeing.
まず、債務状況が健全だったら、どうだろう? 今、我々が直面している状況と同じだと思う。

Bear in mind that the whole problem right now is that the private sector is hurting, it’s spooked, and it’s looking for safety. So it’s piling into “cash”, which really means short-term debt. (Treasury bill rates briefly went negative yesterday). Meanwhile, the public sector is sustaining demand with deficit spending, financed by long-term debt. So someone has to be bridging the gap between the short-term assets the public wants to hold and the long-term debt the government wants to issue; call it a carry trade if you like, but it’s a normal and necessary thing.
問題の根源は、現在、民間部門が傷付いており、動揺しており、身の安全を模索しているということを心に留めておくべきだ。 民間部門は、”キャッシュ”にドット押し寄せている。(現金主義という意味)これは、短期借入金を意味している。(昨日は、短期債券価格は、一時的にネガティブな方向になっていたが。)しばらくの間は、公共部門は長期債で調達された赤字の財政支出で需要が維持されている。政府が発行したい長期債と社会が必要としている短期資産のギャップを誰かが埋め合わさなければいけない。キャリートレードとも言われているが、至極当たり前で必要なことである。

 Now, you could and should be worried if this thing looked like a great bubble — if long-term rates looked unreasonably low given the fundamentals. But do they? Long rates fluctuated between 4.5 and 5 percent in the mid-2000s, when the economy was driven by an unsustainable housing boom. Now we face the prospect of a prolonged period of near-zero short-term rates — I don’t see any reason for the Fed funds rate to rise for at least a year, and probably two — which should mean substantially lower long rates even if you expect yields eventually to rise back to 2005 levels. And if we’re facing a Japanese-type lost decade, which seems all too possible, long rates are in fact still unreasonably high.

この低金利がバブルになるのではないかと心配されるかもしれない。(長期金利が無闇に低い状況は、バブルの原則となるのではないかと) しかし、本当にバブルになるか? 長期金利は、擁護できない住宅ブームにより経済が過熱していた2000年代にも4.5から5%の間を動いていた。今現在、我々は短期金利は、長期に渡ってゼロ金利のままであると見込んでいる。私は最低でも1年間、おそらく2年間は、政策金利を上げる理由は見当たらないと思う。(クルグーマンは、金利を緩やかに上げてインフレーションを誘うのが最良と考えている。) このことは、我々が投資利回りを2005年の水準に戻るのことを望んでも、長期金利は相当低い水準するべきだということだ。現状が日本の失われた10年と同じ状況に直面しているのなら(おそらく同じ轍を踏んでいる可能性は高い)、長期金利は、まだ無闇に高い水準にある。

Still, what about the possibility of a squeeze, in which rising rates for whatever reason produce a vicious circle of collapsing balance sheets among the carry traders, higher rates, and so on? Well, we’ve seen enough of that sort of thing not to dismiss the possibility. But if it does happen, it’s a financial system problem — not a deficit problem. It would basically be saying not that the government is borrowing too much, but that the people conveying funds from savers, who want short-term assets, to the government, which borrows long, are undercapitalized.

And the remedy should be financial, not fiscal. Have the Fed buy more long-term debt; or let the government issue more short-term debt. Whatever you do, don’t undermine recovery by calling off jobs creation.

The point is that it’s crazy to let the rescue of the economy be held hostage to what is, if it’s an issue at all, a technical matter of maturity mismatch. And again, it’s not clear that it even is an issue. What the worriers seem to regard as a danger sign — that supposedly awful carry trade — is exactly what you would expect to see even if fiscal policy were on a perfectly sustainable trajectory.
重要なことは、経済救済が人質にとられてしまうことは、クレイジーだということだ。このことは、経済成長とはミスマッチの技術的なことにすぎない。さらには、それが問題なのかもはっきりしていない。 心配性の人々が危険なサインとして感じているものは、仮に財政政策が完全に軌道に乗ったところで同じである。

And one last point: I just don’t think the inner circle gets how much danger we’re in from another vicious circle, one that’s real, not hypothetical. The longer high unemployment drags on, the greater the odds that crazy people will win big in the midterm elections — dooming us to economic policy failure on a truly grand scale.
そして最後に重要なことが1つある。その輪の中に既にいる人間が、自分達がどれだけの危険な悪循環の輪にいるのか理解できるとは到底思えない。これは仮定ではなく現状の話だ。 失業率の高水準がより長引き、中間選挙でクレイジーが大勝するような珍事が起き続ければ、我々を経済政策の大失敗に追い込むことになるだろう。

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