1204 Just the usual disaster

December 4, 2009, 10:41 am

Just the usual disaster
Ken Rogoff, just now in a meeting: “The United States is going through a garden-variety severe financial crisis.”

Actually, that’s what I’ve been saying too — Ken’s terrific work with Carmen Reinhart (who says the same thing) has been my bible through this crisis, and has served me well.
実際、私も言い続けているようにロゴス氏とラインハート氏の共著『This time is different』は、今回の危機において私のバイブルとなって、非常に役立っている。

But shouldn’t we be doing better?
しかし、我々はもっと最善の策を取るべきじゃないかって? そんなことはないだろ。

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