1208 One health care reform, indivisible

January 8, 2010, 12:11 pm

One health care reform, indivisible

Jonathan Chait reads Peggy Noonan, so I don’t have to:
ジョナサン・チャイト(The New Republicの編集者)は、ペギー・ヌーナン(政治経済の作家)を読んでいるようだ。だから、私は引用する必要ないけど、以下のようにヌーナンはコメントしている。


The public in 2009 would have been happy to see a simple bill that mandated insurance companies offer coverage without respect to previous medical conditions. The administration could have had that—and the victory of it—last winter.
Instead, they were greedy for glory.

Chait explains why this is nonsense. But let me explain at fuller length, because this is one of the great misunderstood keys to the whole health care debate.

Start with the proposition that we don’t want our fellow citizens denied coverage because of preexisting conditions — which is a very popular position, so much so that even conservatives generally share it, or at least pretend to.
我々は、(アメリカは皆保険制度がない)この現状のせいで、保険の補償を拒否する市民を受け入れないという命題から取りかかっている。 その命題は、保守派でさえ一般には受け入れている、少なくとも受け入れている振りをしているほど、絶大な人気がある。

So why not just impose community rating — no discrimination based on medical history?
コミュニティ保険料方式を強制すればいいじゃないか。 医療の歴史には、見識がないけど。

(コミュニティ保険料方式とは、連邦政府の認定を受けたHMOが使用しなければならない保険料評価方式です。HMOはプラン・メンバー全員に対し、各メンバーあたり同額の保険料を調達しなければなりません。コミュニティ保険料方式は、必ずしも州法で許可されているとは限らないものの、HMOが年齢、性別、産業要因の違いを考慮に入れて保険料を設定する事を許可しています。 )

Well, the answer, backed up by lots of real-world experience, is that this leads to an adverse-selection death spiral: healthy people choose to go uninsured until they get sick, leading to a poor risk pool, leading to high premiums, leading even more healthy people dropping out.

So you have to back community rating up with an individual mandate: people must be required to purchase insurance even if they don’t currently think they need it.

But what if they can’t afford insurance? Well, you have to have subsidies that cover part of premiums for lower-income Americans.

In short, you end up with the health care bill that’s about to get enacted. There’s hardly anything arbitrary about the structure: once the decision was made to rely on private insurers rather than a single-payer system — and look, single-payer wasn’t going to happen — it had to be more or less what we’re getting. It wasn’t about ideology, or greediness, it was about making the thing work.

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