1215 Followup on Samuelson and monetary policy

December 14, 2009, 11:07 am

Followup on Samuelson and monetary policy
続報 ポール・サムエルソンと通貨政策

Earlier, I quoted Paul Samuelson on the ineffectiveness of monetary policy in deep slumps, how monetary expansion just piles up in bank reserves. Here’s a picture of where we are now:

Yes, it’s a bit more complicated thanks to the Fed’s decision to pay interest on reserves. Still, you get the point.
確かに、FRB(連邦準備制度理事会)が準備金に対して金利を支払う判断をしたせいで、事態はちょっとばかり複雑だ。 だが、読者ならわかっていただけよう。


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