1210 The jobs deficit

December 10, 2009, 11:07 am

The jobs deficit
It was truly amazing the way last week’s employment report was hailed by many people as a sign that our troubles are over. Here we are, having suffered huge job losses, and needing to make up the lost ground — and a report showing that we’re still losing jobs, but not as fast, is grounds for celebration?

Anyway, I thought it might be useful to create a sort of benchmark for the level of job growth that would really count as good news. I start from the fact that we’ve lost about 8 million jobs since the recession began — that’s the official number plus the preliminary estimate of the coming benchmark revision. I then take EPI’s estimate that we need to add 127,000 jobs a month. EPI points out that when you put these numbers together, they say that to return to pre-crisis unemployment within two years we’d have to add 580,000 jobs a month. That’s not going to happen.
EPI(シンクタンク)の見積もりでは、1ヶ月に12万7千人の雇用を新たに創出する必要がある。 また、EPIがこれらの数字を発表した際に、2年前の金融危機前の雇用状況に戻るには、1ヶ月に58万人の雇用を創出しなければいけないとも指摘している。そんなこと無理でしょ。

But let’s set a more modest goal: return to more or less full employment in 5 years –which means seven lean years of depressed employment. To keep up with population growth over those 7 years, the United States would have had to add 84 times 127,000 or 10.668 million jobs. (If that sounds high, bear in mind that we added more than 20 million jobs over the 8 Clinton years). Add in the need to make up lost ground, and we’re at around 18 million jobs over the next five years — or 300,000 a month.

So that’s a useful benchmark. Even if we add 300,000 jobs a month, we’re looking at a prolonged period of suffering — a huge cost from the Great Recession. So that’s kind of a minimal definition of success. Anything less than that, and it’s bad news. It sort of puts that wonderful report that we only lost 11,000 jobs in perspective, doesn’t it?

1209 Darling, I love you

December 9, 2009, 3:10 pm

Darling, I love you
OK, that’s way too strong. But Alistair Darling’s new super-tax on bank bonuses sounds like a good idea, on first read. Or as Justin Fox puts it, why the heck not?
まぁ それは言い過ぎだけど。アリステア・ダーリング財務相の銀行員に対するボーナス新課税は、一読する限り、良いんじゃないかと思う。

Are we afraid that the best and the brightest will leave high finance and pursue other occupations? That strikes me as a good thing: everything we know suggests that the rapid growth in finance since 1980 has largely been a matter of rent-seeking, rather than true productivity. (As Paul Volcker says, it’s hard to come up with any clearly productive financial innovations of recent decades other than the ATM).

Or are we worried that it’s just unfair to discriminate against high-earning bankers? Bear with me while I stop laughing. More seriously, the whole sector has just been bailed out at immense taxpayer expense. Some payback seems entirely reasonable.

So, the details need analyzing. But on the face of it this looks entirely reasonable.

1210 Wages and recovery

December 9, 2009, 8:44 am

Wages and recovery
Via Mark Thoma, Rajiv Sethi argues that wage flexibility wouldn’t be much help in fighting unemployment.
Indeed — but it’s simpler than he suggests. There was a fairly extensive discussion of this issue in the econoblogosphere a year ago; here’s my quick exposition and a brief wonkish set of notes. Quoting myself:

Under depression-type conditions, with short-term interest rates near zero, there’s no reason to think that lower wages for all workers — as opposed to lower wages for a particular group of workers — would lead to higher employment.
Chalk this up as another case of Dark Age macroeconomics: Keynes explained all of this 73 years ago, but the freshwater guys are reinventing old errors, completely unaware that someone has been over this ground.
この事を別のマクロ経済学の例を使って取り上げてみる。 キーエンス氏は、73年前にこの全容を解説していたが、若造達が昔の誤りに気づかずに同じ轍を踏んでいる。座礁していることすら全く気づいていない人もいる。

Update: I should also mention that you don’t need to go back to Tobin 1975 to see serious academic analysis of the issue. Gautti Eggertson at the NY Fed has been doing yeoman work on all of this, for example here.


1208 Show me the money

December 8, 2009, 3:25 pm

Show me the money!
I’ll be on Lehrer tonight to talk about the new job-growth acceleration plan. But it’s going to be really hard, because it’s impossible to judge without some numbers.

As I understand it, what the administration is trying to do is leverage an inadequate amount of money into disproportionate job creation. Hence the jobs tax credit and the cash-for-caulkers program, each of which might — might — produce many more jobs per buck than a conventional stimulus. Basically, it’s about making policy in the face of a dysfunctional Congress.
無理だってのは承知だけど、大統領がやろうとしていることは、不相応な雇用創出に不十分な資金をてこ入れするようなものだ。だから、税還付や”cash-for-caulkers program”(米国政府が発表したエネルギー節約ソリューションを促進するための税金還付を主体としたプロジェクト)、そんなものでは、平凡な景気刺激策より多くの雇用機会を減少させてしまう。基本的に正常に機能していない議会に対して、政策を立案しているから。

But even so, it can’t be done without a significant amount of funds. If Robert Reich is right and it’s only $70 billion, it’s a Potemkin policy — all facade, virtually no substance.

How big do the numbers have to be to make it serious? It’s hard to see much impact with less than $200 billion — and what I really want to see is that including all the pieces, from COBRA extension to state aid, it’s much bigger than that.
いくらなら効果が出るのか? 200億ドル以下では、大きな効果が出るのは難しい。経済刺激策の”COBRA”の拡大から国庫補助まで全て含めて欲しいと私は思っているので、200億ドルより大きくなってしまう。

So show me the money, and I’ll tell you what I think about the plan.

Unhelpful Hansen

December 7, 2009, 10:45 am

Unhelpful Hansen

James Hansen is a great climate scientist. He was the first to warn about the climate crisis; I take what he says about coal, in particular, very seriously.

Unfortunately, while I defer to him on all matters climate, today’s op-ed article suggests that he really hasn’t made any effort to understand the economics of emissions control. And that’s not a small matter, because he’s now engaged in a misguided crusade against cap and trade, which is — let’s face it — the only form of action against greenhouse gas emissions we have any chance of taking before catastrophe becomes inevitable.

What the basic economic analysis says is that an emissions tax of the form Hansen wants and a system of tradable emission permits, aka cap and trade, are essentially equivalent in their effects. The picture looks like this:

A tax puts a price on emissions, leading to less pollution. Cap and trade puts a quantitative limit on emissions, but from the point of view of any individual, emitting requires that you buy more permits (or forgo the sale of permits, if you have an excess), so the incentives are the same as if you faced a tax. Contrary to what Hansen seems to believe, the incentives for individual action to reduce emissions are the same under the two systems.
税金を排出ガスにかけて、大気汚染の減少をもたらす。 キャップ・アンド・トレード(排出権取引)は、排出ガスの量的制限になるが、様々な観点から、排出する場合には、権利を買うことを要求される。(仮に過剰にある場合は、権利を買わずに済む)、だからインセンティブは税金の時と同じである。

This is true even if some emitters are “grandfathered” with free allocations of permits, as will surely be the case. They still have an incentive to cut their emissions, so that they can sell their excess permits to others.

The only difference is the nature of uncertainty over the aggregate outcome. If you use a tax, you know what the price of emissions will be, but you don’t know the quantity of emissions; if you use a cap, you know the quantity but not the price. Yes, this means that if some people do more than expected to reduce emissions, they’ll just free up permits for others — which worries Hansen. But it also means that if some people do less to reduce emissions than expected, someone else will have to make up the shortfall. It’s symmetric; there’s no reason to emphasize only one side of the story.

もし税金を使うなら排出ガスの値段をどうすれば計算できるのだろうか? その総量が分からないのに・・ 

And as far as I can see, the question about uncertainty is secondary; the fact is that cap and trade works. Hansen admits that the sulfur dioxide cap has reduced pollution, but argues that it didn’t do enough; well, it did as much as it was designed to do. If Hansen thinks it should have done more, he should be campaigning for a lower cap, not trashing the whole program.
私が知る限り不確かな総量に関する疑問は、それほど重要ではない。事実としてキャップ・アンド・トレード(排出権取引)は機能している。二酸化硫黄の規制は大気汚染を減少されていることは、ハンセンも認めているが、十分機能はしてなかったと言っている。 十分、計画とおりに機能していたのに。仮にハンセンが二酸化硫黄の規制はもっと効果を出すべきだと思うなら、問題全部を切り捨てるのではなく、引き下げるための運動をするべきだ。

Oh, and the argument that if you create a market, you’re opening the door for Wall Street evildoers, is bizarre. Emissions permits aren’t subprime mortgages, let alone complex derivatives based on subprime; they’re straightforward rights to do a specific thing. It will truly be a tragedy if people generalize from the financial crisis to block crucially needed environmental policy.

Things like this often happen when economists deal with physical scientists; the hard-science guys tend to assume that we’re witch doctors with nothing to tell them, so they can’t be bothered to listen at all to what the economists have to say, and the result is that they end up reinventing old errors in the belief that they’re deep insights. Most of the time not much harm is done. But this time is different.

For here’s the way it is: we have a real chance of getting a serious cap and trade program in place within a year or two. We have no chance of getting a carbon tax for the foreseeable future. It’s just destructive to denounce the program we can actually get — a program that won’t be perfect, won’t be enough, but can be made increasingly effective over time — in favor of something that can’t possibly happen in time to avoid disaster.

1204 Just the usual disaster

December 4, 2009, 10:41 am

Just the usual disaster
Ken Rogoff, just now in a meeting: “The United States is going through a garden-variety severe financial crisis.”