0115 Talk Is Cheap — And Irrelevant

January 15, 2010, 2:24 pm

Talk Is Cheap — And Irrelevant
言うは易し -しかも、見当違い
So there appears to be a spreading piece of conventional wisdom saying that instead of trying to pass health care reform, Obama should have “focused on the economy”. I’m with Kevin Drum: I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

It would be one thing if pundits were saying that Obama should have passed a bigger stimulus plan and nationalized some banks. But if that’s what they mean, they should be saying that. And that then raises two questions: could the stimulus have been made larger, politically? (I say yes, but many disagree). And if so, why would that have conflicted with health reform later in the year?
評論家がより大きな経済刺激策を拡大し、銀行の幾つかは民営化すべきだったと主張するなら、それも1つの方法だろう。 そうであるなら、評論家達は、そう主張し続けるべきだ。ただ、この案には、2つの疑問がある。政治的に、経済刺激策を拡大できただろうか?(私はできたと思うけど、無理だったと言うのが多数だね)。それなら、なぜ年の瀬に経済刺激策と医療改革が衝突していたのは、なぜだろうか?

Anyway, I’m quite sure that Charlie Cook and the like aren’t actually quarreling about macroeconomic policy. What they mean by “focusing on the economy” is, almost surely, talking about it — you know, just like the way to fight terrorism is to talk a lot about terrorism.

And why on earth does anyone think this would have helped? I guarantee you, more speeches on the economy would not have produced more job growth. Would they have made the public feel better about 10 percent unemployment? (Hey, Obama’s plan may not be working, but he sure sounds like he’s trying!)

Obama’s problem isn’t that he tried to do too many things; it’s certainly not a lack of focus. You can argue — I do argue, and did at the time — that he settled for too weak an economic plan in the first few weeks of his administration. But did any of the pundits now criticizing his lack of focus on the economy ever say anything like that? No.
オバマ大統領の問題点は、多くのことに手を出しすぎたことではない。集中力の欠如なんかではない。任期の最初の2,3週間のうちにあまりに弱体した経済計画に結果としてなってしまったと言うことができる。しかし、評論家の多くは、今になって大統領の経済に関する集中力の欠如を批判しているが、以前にも言っていたか?。 今頃になって言い出して。 

0114 Haiti

January 14, 2010, 11:24 am

I haven’t written anything about the disaster, because I have nothing but the obvious to say. Yes, some people are crazy, but that’s not news. As far as one can tell, those with the power to help are doing all they can. One can only hope that enough help arrives fast enough to avoid the second-round calamities — deaths due to lack of food and water and/or disease — that can all too easily follow a natural disaster.

0113 Eh

January 13, 2010, 7:29 pm


Some readers were puzzled by my somewhat cryptic remarks about Canada in my optimal currency area post. What did I mean by saying that Canada is closer to the United States than it is to itself? Why is Canada a counterexample to Europeans who insist that a single currency is essential?
先日の最適通貨圏の投稿でのカナダに関する不可解な発言によって混乱した読者も何人かいたようだ。”Canada is closer to the United States than it is to itself?”発言は何を意味していたのか?統合なぜカナダが、貨幣は必須要素だと主張するヨーロッパ人への反例になるのか?

 OK, on the first: Canada is a 3000-mile-wide country the great bulk of whose population lives quite close to its southern border. Without the national boundary, you’d think of Ontario as part of the Midwest, British Columbia as part of the Pacific Northwest, rather than as being in any natural sense part of the same unit.

This should, you might think, mean real problems for having a Canadian currency distinct from the U.S. dollar. Wouldn’t that put Canadian producers at a big disadvantage compared with U.S. producers who can deal with their main markets without having to worry about the transactions costs and uncertainty created by separate currencies? Certainly European countries not on the euro are lectured all the time about the great importance of getting with the program.

But Canada doesn’t seem much worried about problems created by its currency independence. That seems revealing to me — it suggests that Europeans made too much of the need for the euro.

0112 How Many Currencies?

January 12, 2010, 12:13 pm

How Many Currencies?

Some commenters on my Europe/euro post offer a reductio ad absurdum: if Spain should have its own currency, why not every state/town/family in America?
私の先日のヨーロッパに関する投稿に対して、馬鹿げたことだ(スペイン語:reductio ad absurdum)というコメントがいくつかある。スペインが独自通貨にするべきなら、アメリカの全ての州・町・家族だってそうでしょと。

Strange to say, economists have thought about that — a lot. It’s called optimal currency area theory. (Optimal? Optimum? Nobody seems to know — or care).
妙な話だが、経済学者は、これについて数多くの理論を持っている。それを最適通貨圏の理論と私は呼んでいた。(スペルは、Optimal? Optimum? かは、誰も知らないだろうし・気にもしていない)

The basic idea is that there’s a tradeoff. Having your own currency makes it easier to make necessary adjustments in prices and wages, an argument that goes back to none other than Milton Friedman. As opposed to this, having multiple currencies raises the costs of doing business across national borders.

What determines which side of this tradeoff you should take? Clearly, countries that do a lot of trade with each other have more incentive to adopt a common currency: the euro makes more sense than a currency union between, say, Malaysia and Ecuador. Beyond that, the literature suggests several other things that might matter. High labor mobility makes it easier to adjust to asymmetric shocks; so does fiscal integration.

When EMU began as a project, there were a number of studies comparing the EU with the United States. What all of them suggested was that Europe was less suitable as a currency area, basically because of lower labor mobility and lack of fiscal union. That didn’t settle the question of whether the euro was a good idea, but it did suggest that appealing to the success of the United States with a single currency didn’t tell you much.

What I’ve always found interesting is the way many Europeans now insist that a single currency is absolutely essential, when the example of Canada — which is closer to the United States than it is to itself — provides an obvious counterexample. But people tend to forget that Canada exists …

0111 Europe’s OK; the euro isn’t

January 11, 2010, 9:48 am

Europe’s OK; the euro isn’t

One addendum to today’s column: Europe is OK, but the single currency is having exactly the same problems ugly Americans warned about before it was created.
My goal, in the column, was to take on the all-too-prevalent U.S. view of Europe as a conservative morality play: see, when those do-gooding liberals get their way, it wrecks your economy. As I pointed out, this morality play isn’t actually borne out by the facts (which leads many conservatives to invent their own facts).

The euro is a quite different issue. Back when the single currency was being contemplated, the fundamental concern of many economists on this side of the Atlantic was, how will Europe adjust to asymmetric shocks? Suppose that some members of the euro zone are hit much harder by a downturn than others, so that they have much higher-than-average unemployment; how will they adjust?

In the United States, such shocks are cushioned by the existence of a federal government: the Social Security and Medicare checks keep being sent to Florida, even after the bubble bursts. And we adjust to a large degree with labor mobility: workers move in large numbers from depressed states to those that are doing better.

Europe lacks both the centralized fiscal system and the high labor mobility. (Yes, some workers move, but not nearly on the US scale).

To be sure, America has at least minor-league versions of the same problems: we are having fiscal crises in the states, and the housing slump has depressed mobility in the recession. But we’re still better able to cope with asymmetric shocks than the eurozone.

Was the euro a mistake? There were benefits — but the costs are proving much higher than the optimists claimed. On balance, I still consider it the wrong move, but in a way that’s irrelevant: it happened, it’s not reversible, so Europe now has to find a way to make it work.

Still, I think it’s important that just because I think Europe does better than Americans imagine doesn’t mean that it does everything right.

0109 European decline — a further note

January 9, 2010, 4:19 pm

European decline — a further note
ヨーロッパの落ち込み 追記

There’s been a big to-do in the econoblogsphere over an essay by James Manzi in National Affairs; unfortunately for Manzi, it hasn’t been the kind of debate you want. Manzi asserts that having a European-style social democracy is terrible for growth:
National Affairs(雑誌)のジェームズ・マンツの”econoblogsphere ”に関するエッセイでは、大変な騒ぎになっている。マンツには気の毒だが、それは自身が望むような討議ではない。マンツは、ヨーロッパスタイルの社会民主主義は成長の足枷になっていると強く主張している。
  From 1980 through today, America’s share of global output has been constant at about 21%. Europe’s share, meanwhile, has been collapsing in the face of global competition — going from a little less than 40% of global production in the 1970s to about 25% today. Opting for social democracy instead of innovative capitalism, Europe has ceded this share to China (predominantly), India, and the rest of the developing world.

Manzi’s numbers were picked up widely, including by the Times’s own Ross Douthat.
マンツが使った事例は、Times誌のRoss Douthat氏を含め、幅広く引用されている。

But as Jonathan Chait quickly pointed out, Manzi’s definition of Europe included the Soviet bloc (!), so that he was attributing to social democracy an economic decline that was mainly about the collapse of communism. Chait also suggested that Manzi wasn’t comparing the same dates for America and Europe; and most importantly, Chait pointed out that to the extent there has been a growth divergence, it’s almost entirely because America has faster population growth; since 1980, real GDP per capita in Western Europe and the US have grown at almost the same rate.
しかし、ジョナサン・チャイト(The New Republicの編集者)がすぐさま指摘したように、マンツのヨーロッパの定義は、ソヴィエト連邦を含んでいた。そのため彼は、共産主義の崩壊と言っても過言ではないヨーロッパの衰退を社会民主主義のせいにしていた。チャイトは、マンツは、アメリカとヨーロッパを同じ時間軸で比較していないし、もっとも重要な点としては、経済成長するために成長の質の相違があったと指摘している。ほとんどアメリカは1980年以降に人口増加ペースがヨーロッパより速かったので、西ヨーロッパとアメリカの1人あたりの実質GDPは、同じ割合になっていた。

But I went back to Manzi’s source of data, and it turns out that it’s even worse than that. If you use the broad definition of Europe, which includes the USSR, it did indeed have 40 percent of world output in the early 1970s. But that share has not fallen to 25 percent — it’s still above 30 percent.

The only thing I can think is that Manzi compared Europe including the eastern bloc in 1970 with Europe not including the east today.
 It’s probably not a deliberate case of data falsification. Instead, like so many conservatives, Manzi just knew that Europe is an economic disaster, glanced at some numbers, thought he saw his assumptions confirmed, and never checked.

And that’s the real moral of the story: the image of Europe the economic failure is so ingrained on the right that it’s never questioned, even though the facts beg to differ.

0109 The health insurance excise tax

January 9, 2010, 9:48 am

The health insurance excise tax
OK, clearly I have to weigh in on this. Should there be a limit to the tax deductibility of employer-provided health insurance, which is what the excise tax in the Senate bill is supposed to fix?
OK.健康保険への課税について、しっかり説明しないとだね。 雇用者の提供する健康保険に税金控除の制限を設定するべきか(控除に制限をしないと、費用が膨大になってしまうため)。このことで、上院で通過した法案の保険商品への課税は、調整されるだろうか?

My answer is yes, but the final bill should address the criticisms.

The argument for limiting the tax exclusion is that the tax break on health insurance encourages over-spending, so limiting it could help in the process of “bending the curve”. More generally, since we think the United States spends too much on health for not-so-good results, it makes sense where possible to pay for expanding coverage from the health sector itself. Both arguments are reasonable.
税金免除に制限をかけるという主張は、浪費を促している健康保険に対する税金の節約になり、”景気回復の局面”で大変助かるものだ。もっと一般的に言ってしまえば、我々アメリカ人は、健康方面にはお金を消費しすぎているのに全く効果が出ていない。健康産業から拡大している範囲の分の資金を出すことが可能だという意味である。 これら議論は、合理的である。

The counter-arguments seem to run along three lines.

First, there’s the argument that many “Cadillac” plans aren’t really luxurious — they reflect genuinely high costs. That’s surely true. A flat dollar limit to tax deductibility has real problems. At the very least, the limit should reflect the same factors insurers will be allowed to take into account in setting premiums: age and region.
1つ目は、多くの”キャデラック”(GM最高級車)は、本当は贅沢品じゃないということ。つまり、それらは本当に高い値段であるのだから。 税控除に対して一律に適用しないことは、深刻な問題を含んでいる。最低限、保険料の設定時に考慮される年齢や地域といった同じ要因を反映するべきだ。

Second, there’s the argument that any reductions in premiums won’t be passed through into wages. I just don’t buy that. It’s true that the importance of changing premiums in past wage changes has been exaggerated by many people. But I’m enough of a card-carrying economist to believe that there’s a real tradeoff between benefits and wages.
2つ目は、(雇用主が提供している)保険料の削減は、その分賃金が上がるわけではないという主張がある。私は、単純にはそうとは思わない。事実として過去の賃金変化において、保険料の変更の重要性は多くの人によって誇張されてきた。 利益と賃金はトレードオフの関係にあると信じている筋金入りのエコノミストはもうウンザリである。

Maybe it will help the plausibility of this case to notice that we’re not actually asking whether a fall in premiums would be passed on to workers. Even with the excise tax, premiums are likely to rise over time — just more slowly than they would have otherwise. So what we’re really asking is whether slowing the growth of premiums would reduce the squeeze rising health costs would otherwise have placed on wages. Surely the answer is yes.
実際には保険料の引き下げが労働者にメリットがあるかどうか問題としていないと気づくと、健康保険の免税には制限を設けるべきだという主張に信憑性が出る。 健康保険課税に関しても、保険料はずっと気づかない位のゆっくりとしたペースで上がってきている。だから、我々が問題とすべきは、保険料のゆっくりとした上昇が医療コスト上昇により賃金を引き下げている搾取を削減できるかどうかである。きっと、それはできるんじゃないかな。

The last argument is that this hurts unions which have traded off lower wages for better benefits. This would be a bigger issue than I think it is if the excise tax were going to kick in instantly. But it won’t, giving time to renegotiate those bargains. And bear in mind that this kind of renegotiation is exactly what the tax is supposed to accomplish.
最後の主張は、より良い利益のために、低い賃金と交換してきた労働組合を壊しかねないというものだ。 健康保険への課税が即座に開始されても、このことは想像以上に大きな問題点である。

A last general point: we really don’t know what it will take to rein in health costs, but that’s a reason to try every plausible idea that experts have proposed. Limiting tax deductibility is definitely one of those ideas.
Bottom line: the details of the excise tax should be fixed, but it’s on balance a good idea.